Our mission is “To Love God and Love Our Neighbor,” as we move to perfection in love.
St. Andrew United Methodist Church of Carol Stream welcomes everyone, honoring diversity and inclusion. We open our doors, hearts, minds, and arms to all people regardless of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, language, country of origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental and physical ability, socio-economic condition, education, or family status.
As living witness for over so years, Saint Andrew United Methodist Church offers a stable force, a beacon of light, and a place to serve the community, We are a reconciling congregation, open to those of all ages, nations, races, and orientations.
We have multiple local outreach activities including a food and clothing pantry as we serve the people of our community in love, We have a Citizenship Mentoring Program, English as a Second Language classes, and we work with the Village of Carol Stream police department in restorative justice.
Our faith development is intentional; as we offer Sunday School for all ages, weekly Bible and book studies, along with occasional educational seminars during the year.
We celebrate communion each week and all are welcome. Sox Fans, Cubs Fans, Catholic, Protestant, Not-sure-I-know-what-I-believe, Spiritual but not religious, non-Christion - you are welcome. We believe this is Jesus' table. and he's the one who is doing the inviting, not us.
Worship is at 9:30am and is a traditional service with an upbeat feel. We have a Choir and a Praise Band and we sing well-aged hymns. We offer time for both public and silent prayers. Sunday School is offered for children of all ages after the children's message. We celebrate Holy Communion every week and all are welcome at our table.
Contact Us
(630) 653-7116
250 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL 60188, USA
Mon: 5 pm - 6 pm
(Food Pantry)
Tue-Wed: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
(Office Hour)
Saturday: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
(Citizenship Mentoring & ESL)
Sunday: 9 am - 12 pm
(Worship & Sunday School)